Transformation project

 For my transformation project I decided to use cards, I realised they weren't all identical because of their numbers but I wasn't going to go and buy seven identical decks of cards. I decided using all the same suit of cards would be better and more connected rather than the same number with different suits. I only picked spades because they're my favourite card suit but also for my subtractive element I wanted something easy to cut out but diamonds were too simple. 

Subtractive- The was the easiest prompt for me, the idea to cut the suit out of the card was my first thought before I decided on using cards. The process of cutting them out was rather difficult because of the small size but overall I was happy with the final look. This is my favourite transformation.
Additive- I first wasn't sure if plainly drawing extra suits onto the card was enough of a transformation but I decided it was my best idea to communicate the prompt.
Symmetrical- This prompt was the most difficult for me which was surprising. I knew usually this would rather easy- just half the object. But because I chose to use playing cards, none of them are actually reflective symmetrical (This is when I reconsidered my object). I started to look into the different types of symmetry and chose to use rotational symmetry even though I questioned if it fit the brief. 
Asymmetrical- Since all the cards are already asymmetrical I did debate just leaving this card as it was, but the brief requires transformation so I didn't leave it. I chose instead to cut the card into the only shape I could think of that wasn't symmetrical. 
Abstraction- This prompt was the most fun for me, I loved trying to push the abstraction to the furthest point without going over the line. I debated adding in a section of a completely different card deck or a another object but I didn't want to push the brief too far and lose the meaning and simplicity. 
Distortion- From a brief thought about the definitions abstraction and distortion were very similar and overlapping concepts- what you could do for one could also be seen as the other. So the task was coming up with completely different transformations at the far ends of the scale. I thought folding the card into a shape where it was difficult to read the number meant it wasn't so much abstracted since it can still function as intended because it isn't cut, it can be fixed. It was just distorted from view. 
Fragmentation- An easy prompt with limited perceptions. I tried to make the fragments get smaller and smaller from my first cut as the card got more and more fragmented. 


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